I am tired. As a matter of fact, I'm sick and tired of being tired! The tiredness that I speak of is not that of a physical nature, but that of a spiritual one. I'm tired of these blue days that come and go in my life. I'm tired of negativity surrounding me. I'm tired of wrestling with God when He tells me to do something. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not equipped to do what He called me to do. I'm tired of people, people, and more people. Yes, I know, that was a bold statement! Let me explain to you why I am tired of wagging and dragging all of this extra baggage on the journey to my destiny.
Within our lifetime, we come into contact with millions of people. Some people are here to stay, while others come and go like nature's seasons. The Bible speaks of seasons also.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:5 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
When the clutter is cleared from our lives, we can clearly hear from God. We know what it is that God has instructed us to do, yet we wrestle with Him. We wrestle with Him because, as I stated yesterday, we want to be acceptable in society. We have forgotten one detail in our quest to social acceptance; that is we are a chosen people. It is a privilege to be chosen by God to do His works and His will for our lives. We are not worthy of the talents, gifts, and abilities that He has placed within us, yet, when He instructs us to do something, we are disobedient because of people. There have been times in my life when I have walked around joyless, putting on a masquerade for all of those around me to believe that everything was fine. I was really broke down inside because I knew what God wanted me to do, but I felt like I was unequipped to do it. I felt that people would not accept it. Sometimes, I even felt like I was crazy because here I was, this regular little person, and God was telling me to do these monumental things.
I think about Mary, Jesus' mother, who was in the lowest of the low social class in her time. Look at what God did with lowly Mary. He used her to birth His son. And, think about what Mary did. She obeyed! What if Mary disobeyed because of her fear of what people would say, or how people would treat her? My God, where would we be? God even sent someone to travel the pregnancy journey with Mary. Wow! What a God I serve!
I don't know what your destiny is, or the journey you must travel to reach the destination. I don't know what God is instructing you to do, or when He wants you to step out, be bold for Him, and do it. But, I can assure you of one thing. If you drag along negativity, feelings of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and even some people with you on your journey, you may never reach your destination. All of these things are extra baggage that is simply weighing us down from getting us to where God wants us to be! It does not mean that you don't love that person or befriend them any longer. It simply means they will not be joining you on your journey to your destiny. The road is rough enough to travel without having all this extra baggage. I dare to say that even when we are on the tough stretches of our journey, we should still have joy in it and know that God is preparing us for the next stop. Remember, flowers can't grow without rain. Everything on this journey will not be easy or feel good. Getting rid of the extra baggage may be one of those things.
I have slowly come to realize that when I am obedient unto God, I have joy unspeakable! I know what God has called me to do. We sometimes think that God only calls certain people, like preachers, or choir directors; but God has a calling for each of us. This is what He has created us to do! This is our purpose for Him breathing life within us. If you are unsure of your calling or purpose, pray. Ask God why He created you. If you are willing to listen and have a little patience, He will make it plain before your eyes. You will begin to see the worth and value of your life and the talents, gifts, and abilities that God blessed you with to give back to Him. Just remember, everyone who is around you can't be with you. God may have something different for them to do. You have to be bold! God will let you know what it is He wants you to do, and when and where He wants you to do it. Sometimes, I wonder how many people have died without fulfilling their life's purpose because they were concerned about others traveling their journey to destiny with them. How many people never accomplished the things in life that they could have because they were not focused on God's purpose for their life, or they may have never even bothered to ask?
Life is too short to spend it unfulfilled. I feel that after all that God has done for me; I owe Him my talents, gifts, and abilities. He gave them to me to give back to Him, and that's just what I am going to do.
Lord, I thank you for choosing a sinner like me to help build your kingdom and help your people stay motivated each day. I love You and ask You to forgive me that I have wrestled with You for so long, putting what people would think about me over Your instructions and purpose for my life. I need thee, Lord! I realize that this journey will not always be smooth, but I thank You that You are traveling with me. Bless all those that are seeking their purpose for their lives, and I pray that they are obedient unto you. Thank You God for allowing me with opportunities to walk in my gift, and I hope that it is acceptable in Your sight! Thank You, Lord! Thank You! Thank You!
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