When I began the Journey to Destiny over a year ago, it completely changed my life. I realized that God was beginning to allow me to work in the gift that He had given me before I had even graced this world with my presence. I was so very dedicated and excited to write daily. I was excited to delve deep into the Word and pray that God would use me to minister to someone. I would pray that God would use me to motivate and encourage someone and hopefully that would lead to them having a better day or even a better week. I wanted to deeply for God to use me....And He did!!!
One day, I just simply became tired. I began to feel like my readers were disappearing. The testimonies were few, and I found myself sharing advice to the same family and friends that I spoke to on the telephone weekly. I would come home from work with a mind and body that was far beyond the state of fatigue. So, one day, I just stopped. "I'll write next week," I thought. When next week arrived, I decided..."Well, every two to three weeks will be just fine. I don't think many are reading now anyways." I lost a little of my passion and my eyes fell from being focused on my purpose to being focused on my position.
Later, I began to have conversations with God. Many of these conversations centered around why opportunities for me to work my gift were not coming my way. Ironic, isn't it?
You see, because we are flesh, we sometimes become unfocused on why it is that we were created. We forget what God put us on this earth for. God really spoke to me last week through a friend about the Journey to Destiny.
This friend lives out of town, and we only really see each other about once or twice a year. Weekend before last, we were together with other friends. We were all standing around chatting, when she asked me, "Vetta, what happened to the Motivational Minutes?"........ Ummmm.....Silence for a second....then words.
The words that poured from my mouth echoed through the room and simply sounded like a plethora of sorry excuses. After I finished attempting to "explain" why I had not been able to write, she simply looked at me and said... "Well I miss them because I read them everyday and they helped me out. I enjoyed reading them"
Needless to say.......my heart sank! My heart sank because I knew that God was speaking to me on why I had sat down on His purpose for my life. God was showing me how my excuses for not doing what He has called me to do affected the life of someone else. I quit doing what I knew I was supposed to be doing simply because God didn't show me what I wanted to see....progress.
This day I was reminded of why God led me to begin this site anyway. It is NOT about me, yet it is about His children who need strength through the Word to get through another day with a smile on their face even though they are torn and crying inside. It is for me to share my testimony of what God has brought me through in order to lead lost and broken souls to Him and help build His kingdom.
How dare I take the precious gift that God has given me and sit upon it!!!!
So, to my friend, who I know is reading this....I say Thank You!!! Thank you for allowing God to use you to show me that this life and this gift is not about me and what I can gain from it, but it is about women like you who are open to receive a Word from God each day to keep pressing forward with a smile on your face!
God, I give my life fully committed to you today! I will let you guide the words that are posted to this page when You see the need to post it. I will not focus on what You do not show me, as you have proven to me that many lives can be changed daily by what You don't show me. I will be humble and appreciative that You have placed such a high calling on this life You have given to me! I will let you lead and I will follow!
To any other readers that had the same thoughts or feelings that my friend did, I do so apologize. I guess sometimes God has to take you back to move you forward!
That's my testimony for today.....Now, find a way to share yours even if you never have, because what God doesn't show you could change or save someone else's life.
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